
PR1MA qMAX Green qPCR Mix with Blue Tracking Dye

  • Superior sensitivity and fast cycling with exceptional results
  • Ideal for low copy number templates
  • Early Ct values and detection across a broad dynamic range
  • Ready to use 2X Master Mix
  • Includes PR1MA™ Hot Start Taq Polymerase for greater specificity and accuracy


Supplied as a ready-to-use 2X master mix, PR1MA qMax Green has been engineered for high sensitivity, fast cycling, and excellent reproducibility. PR1MA Hot Start Polymerase provides accurate PCR of a variety of templates including low copy number and difficult sequences, while the proprietary qMax Green intercalating dye exhibits higher fluorescence and lower PCR inhibition than other popular green dyes.


These two components are supported by a specially formulated buffer with an exacting combination of salts, PCR enhancers, stabilizers, and pH that results in earlier Ct values and a high specificity across a broad dynamic range.

*Please note these products ship on dry ice.  Appropriate shipping charges apply unless otherwise noted on a quote.

Limited Time Promo!

Benchmark 2025 St. Patrick's Day Promo!

For a limited time buy select PR1MA™ Taq (PR1001-R-1000)
and get 100 g Agarose (BE-GCA100-VF) FREE!


Add one regular price item, and one BE-GCA100-VF for free product.


See flyer for more details.


Free offer with purchase of designated items at listed price. Cannot be combined with other discounts or pricing.

Free item must be of equal or lesser value than the lowest-priced item. Not valid on prior purchases.

Special price applies only to the specified item; no substitutions. Promo valid from 3/10/25 to 4/11/25 or while supplies last.

All terms and conditions apply.


  • Ideal for routine PCR applications as well as genotyping, colony PCR, and fast PCR
  • Improved template affinity and solubility for higher enzyme activity and greater yields
  • Proprietary buffer optimized for a variety of assay conditions
  • Conveniently supplied as a 2X Master Mix or in a 2-tube format of polymerase and separate 5X buffer


PR1MA Taq provides superior results for routine applications. Modified to improve DNA-binding, this polymerase offers higher solubility and greater template affinity, resulting in consistently superior performance. PR1MA Taq Polymerase exhibits a 5' to 3' nuclease activity, but no 3' to 5' (proofreading) activity and works well with a wide range of DNA templates including GC-rich sequences.


The polymerase is supplied with a 5X buffer containing MgCl2 and a proprietary mix of enhancers (dNTP's not included). For convenience, PR1MA Taq is also available in a ready-to-use 2X Master Mix - just add primers and template DNA. Our "Red Dye" Master Mix incorporates a red-loading dye that allows amplified samples to be loaded directly on an agarose gel.  The red color aids in visualization during pipetting, and higher density of the buffer ensures that the samples will drop into the gel wells.



Benchmark 2025 St. Patrick's Day Promo!

For a limited time buy two PR1MA™ SmartGlow DNA Safe Stains
(BE4500-PS or BE4500-LD) and get 100 g Agarose (BE-GCA100-VF) FREE!


Add two items at regular price, and one BE-GCA100-VF for free product.


See flyer for more details.


Free offer with purchase of designated items at listed price. Cannot be combined with other discounts or pricing.

Free item must be of equal or lesser value than the lowest-priced item. Not valid on prior purchases.

Special price applies only to the specified item; no substitutions. Promo valid from 3/10/25 to 4/11/25 or while supplies last.

All terms and conditions apply.   

PR1MA SmartGlow DNA Safe Stain

  • Replaces hazardous Ethidium Bromide (EtBr)
  • Better sensitivity than EtBr
  • Detect as little as 0.1ng of DNA
  • Two types available
  • PS Pre Stain
  • LD Loading Dye
  • Excitation by UV light or blue light
  • Compatible with Accuris SmartBlue Transilluminator
  • Ships at ambient temperature (stored at 4°C)

SmartStain PS (Pre-Stain) can be used as a direct replacement for Ethidium Bromide in agarose and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The stain emits green fluorescence when bound to dsDNA or ssDNA and emits red fluorescence when bound to RNA. PR1MA SmartStain PS exhibits excitation peaks at 290 nm and 490 nm, allowing it to be used with UV and blue light.


  • Prepare 100 mL of agarose or polyacrylamide solution.
  • Add 5 uL of PR1MA SmartStain to the gel solution before pouring gels.
  • For enhanced results, add PR1MA SmartStain PS to the running buffer at a ratio of 5 uL per 100 mL. Adding PR1MA SmartStain PS to the running buffer will result in increased sensitivity and better detection of small quantities of nucleic acid.
  • After electrophoresis is complete, view the gel using a UV or blue light illuminator   


PR1MA™ Taq Plus

  • Higher fidelity for long PCR amplicons, up to 35 kb
  • Ideal for problematic templates
  • Better sensitivity and higher activity for low-copy and long PCR
  • Enzyme of choice for TA cloning

PR1MA™ Taq Plus, an optimized blend of our Hot Start Taq and a proofreading polymerase, provides 5X better fidelity than wild-type Taq and increased enzyme activity. It is the perfect choice for GC and AT rich templates, low copy number, and long PCR.

The 3' -5' exonuclease activity of the proofreading enzyme produces fragments suitable for TA cloning. PR1MA Taq Plus is provided with a 5X buffer with dNTPs or in a convenient one-tube 2X Master Mix.

PR1MA™ Taq Start Taq DNA Polymerase 

PR1000-TP-SPR1MA™ Taq Start Taq DNA Polymerase50 Units (Sample)
PR1000-TP-250PR1MA™ Taq Start Taq DNA Polymerase250 Units (5 U/p1)
PR1000-TP-500PR1MA™ Taq Start Taq DNA Polymerase1,000 Units (5 U/p1)




PR1MA™ Taq Plus Master Mix, 2X Concentration


PR1001-TP-SPR1MA™ Taq Plus Master Mix, 2X Concentration20 Reactions (Sample)
PR1001-TP-200PR1MA™ Taq Plus Master Mix, 2X Concentration200 x 50 µL Reactions
PR1001-TP-1000PR1MA™ Taq Plus Master Mix, 2X Concentration1,000 x 50 µL Reactions


PR1MA™ qMAX™ Probe qPCR Mix

  • Same high efficiency for multiplex and singleplex reactions
  • Includes PR1MA Hot Start Taq Polymerase for greater specificity and accuracy
  • Compatible with popular hydrolysis and beacon probes
  • Ready to use 2X mastermix
  • Early Ct values and detection across a broad dynamic range


Optimized for use with TaqMan™, Scorpions® and molecular beacon probes, qMax Probe qPCR Mix is a ready-to-use formulation for real-time quantitative assays. qMax Probe utilizes PR1MA™ Hot Start Taq Polymerase or robust PCR with a variety of templates. A specially formulated buffer provides optimal conditions for both superior polymerase function and probe detection, resulting in earlier Ct values and a broad detection range. Complicated, multiplex reactions can be performed without any loss in performance or decrease in detection. The 2X mix requires little, if any optimization and can be used with both fast and standard protocols.


PR1MA™ qMax Probe qPCR Mix can be used to detect any DNA template, including genomic DNA and cDNA. Available in high, low and no ROX formulations, qMax Probe is compatible with most qPCR instruments.

*Please note these products ship on dry ice.  Appropriate shipping charges apply unless otherwise noted on a quote.


PR1MA One-Step RT-PCR Kit
  • Convenient cDNA synthesis and PCR in a single tube from 1 pg total RNA
  • Formulated for highly specific and sensitive RT-PCR from any RNA templates
  • Incorporates thermostable reverse transcriptase and Hot-Start Taq for preparation at room temperature

The PR1MA One-Step RT-PCR Kit has been formulated for cDNA synthesis and subsequent PCR in a single tube for end-point analysis. This latest generation RT-PCR Kit consists of an MMLV-derived, thermostable Reverse Transcriptase (45°C to 55°C), an advanced RNase Inhibitor and PR1MA Hot Start Taq for ultra-sensitive one-step RT-PCR from as little as 1pg total RNA starting material.

The optimized buffer chemistry allows for efficient reverse transcription and PCR of problematic sequences with significant secondary structure (such as GC-rich targets). The PR1MA One-Step RT-PCR Kit is ideal for determining the presence or absence of RNA templates and quantifying expression through qualitative analysis of RNA transcription levels. The kit also efficiently synthesizes double-stranded cDNA for subsequent gene expression analysis.

PR1MA™ qMAX™ cDNA Synthesis Kits

PR1MA™ now offers two cDNA Synthesis Kits, to meet a range of requirements.

The original cDNA Synthesis Kit is a 2-tube format for easy reaction setup and is ideal for 4 pg to 0.5 µg of input RNA. One tube includes our exceptionally stable Reverse Transcriptase combined with a potent RNAse inhibitor, and the other tube contains a 5X reaction buffer with an optimal mixture of anchored oligo (dT) primers and random hexamers to produce a non-biased population of cDNA. 

The 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis Flex Kit includes four components: a high-capacity Reverse Transcriptase, an optimized 5X buffer, separate solutions of oligo (dT) primers, and random hexamer primers. This multi-component format is ideal for 10pg to 2.0µg of input RNA and allows for greater flexibility in assay design.

PR1MA™ qMax cDNA Synthesis Kits
ItemDescriptionVolume (20 µL)
PR2100-C-SPR1MA™ qMax™ cDNA Synthesis Kit10 Reactions (Sample)
PR2100-C-25PR1MA™ qMax™ cDNA Synthesis Kit25 Reactions
PR2100-C-100PR1MA™ qMax™ cDNA Synthesis Kit100 Reactions
PR2100-C-250PR1MA™ qMax™ cDNA Synthesis Kit250 Reactions

PR1MA™ qMax First Strand cDNA Synthesis Flex Kits  
ItemDescriptionVolume (20 µL)
PR2110-SPR1MA™ qMax™ First Strand cDNA Synthesis Flex Kit10 Reactions (Sample)
PR2110-50PR1MA™ qMax™ First Strand cDNA Synthesis Flex Kit50 Reactions
PR2110-100PR1MA™ qMax™ First Strand cDNA Synthesis Flex Kit100 Reactions
PR2110-200PR1MA™ qMax™ First Strand cDNA Synthesis Flex Kit200 Reactions

 Item PR2110-100 has been discontinued by the manufacturer;
however, we will be continuing to supply the other quantities.


In place of item PR2110-100, please order items PR2110-50 or PR2110-200



  • Supplied as a ready-to-use 40 mM mix or a set of 4 separate 100 mM solutions
  • Free of impurities and inhibitors that reduce sensitivity and yield
  • No nuclease, protease or nickase activity
  • >99% pure, purified by HPLC
  • 24-month shelf life

PR1MA dNTP's are purified by HPLC in a strict process that results in greater than 99% purity. The stringent purification process eliminates PCR inhibitors such as tetraphosphates and pyrophosphates that can interfere with the sensitivity of your PCR and reduce yields.
The 40 mM dNTP Mix is a single tube that contains premixed dNTPs at a concentration of 10 mM each. The 100 mM dNTP Set contains four individual tubes, one each of dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP. The nucleotides are supplied in ultra-pure water as an ammonium salt. Both the set and mix are stable for 24 months when stored at -20ºC.


Extensive quality control testing is performed to ensure the dNTPs are free of nuclease, protease and nickase activity. Each lot is performance tested in standard PCR, long PCR and qPCR reactions to assess reproducibility and sensitivity.


PR3040-M-1PR1MA 40 mM dNTP Mix, Ready-to-use0.5 mL
PR3040-M-2PR1MA 40 mM dNTP Mix, Ready-to-use1 mL
PR3040-M-4PR1MA 40 mM dNTP Mix, Ready-to-use2 mL
PR3040-M-8PR1MA 40 mM dNTP Mix, Ready-to-use4 mL

PR1MA™ dNTP Set  

PR3101-S-1PR1MA 100 mM dNTP Set, dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP250 uL / 25 umol each
PR3101-S-4PR1MA 100 mM dNTP Set, dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP1 mL / 100 umol each
PR3101-S-20PR1MA 100 mM dNTP Set, dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP20 x 250 uL / 25 umol each

Limited Time Promo!

Benchmark 2025 St. Patrick's Day Promo!

For a limited time buy select PR1MA™ Hot Start Taq (PR1001-HSR-200)
and get 100 g Agarose (BE-GCA100-VF) FREE!


Add one regular price item, and one BE-GCA100-VF for free product.


See flyer for more details.


Free offer with purchase of designated items at listed price. Cannot be combined with other discounts or pricing.

Free item must be of equal or lesser value than the lowest-priced item. Not valid on prior purchases.

Special price applies only to the specified item; no substitutions. Promo valid from 3/10/25 to 4/11/25 or while supplies last.

All terms and conditions apply.

PR1MA Hot Start Taq

  • Exceptional sensitivity for low-copy PCR
  • Ideal for multiplex PCR and amplification of GC-rich DNA
  • Same enhanced features as PR1MA Taq Polymerase
  • Buffer optimized for fast cycling and reproducibility


Engineered for controlled polymerase activity, PR1MA Hot Start Taq is bound with a monoclonal antibody that blocks enzyme activity. This allows reactions to be set up at room temperature without the risk of non-specific amplification.


When samples are ready, the reaction mixture is heated to 95°C to denature the antibody and initiate the reaction. Similar to the standard PR1MA Taq, Hot Start Taq is provided with a 5X buffer, or in a ready-to-use 2X Master Mix. The Master Mix can be ordered with or without an incorporated red gel loading dye.  The Red Dye Master Mix incorporates a red-loading dye that allows amplified samples to be loaded directly on an agarose gel.  The red color aids in visualization during pipetting, and higher density of the buffer ensures that the samples will drop into the gel wells.



PR1MA™ High Fidelity Polymerase

  • 50X higher fidelity than Taq DNA polymerase
  • Works with crude DNA sample
  • Ideal for cloning, mutagenesis and microarrays
  • Produces blunt end products, to clone directly into blunt end vectors
  • Optimized buffer system with unique PCR enhancers


For applications requiring highly accurate amplification, choose PR1MA™ High Fidelity DNA polymerase. Modified for better solubility and higher activity across a broad range of ionic conditions, this polymerase will amplify a wide range of targets, including those that are GC or AT rich as well as crude samples.


A 3'-5' proofreading exonuclease activity and an error rate of 4.55×10-7 makes PR1MA™ High Fidelity DNA Polymerase the perfect partner for cloning applications. The supplied 5X buffer with dNTPs is optimized for compatibility with a variety of targets.



Item DescriptionVolume
PR1000-HF-SPR1MA™ High Fidelity DNA Polymerase20 Units (Sample)
PR1000-HF-200PR1MA™ High Fidelity DNA Polymerase200 Units (2 U/p1)
PR1000-HF-500PR1MA™ High Fidelity DNA Polymerase500 Units (2 U/p1)
PR1000-HF-1000PR1MA™ High Fidelity DNA Polymerase1,000 Units (2 U/p1)



PR1MA™ High Fidelity Hot Start Master Mix

  • Leaves an A-overhang for TA cloning
  • Ideal for difficult, high GC content sequences
  • 10x fidelity of native Taq
  • Ideal for long PCR, up to 10kb targets


PR1MA™ High Fidelity Hot Start Mix is a hot start 2x formulation which provides excellent sensitivity in low-copy number assays with 10x higher fidelity than Taq polymerase. The 2x master mix contains proprietary enhancers, an antibody-mediated hot-start mechanism, and a proofreading component for trouble-free PCR reaction assembly and performance.


The pre-optimized Hot Start Master Mix is supplied in a single tube, reducing the number of pipetting steps while improving throughput and reproducibility. The highly efficient buffer formulation and hot-start blend provide the ideal conditions for high-performance PCR and inactivity at room temperature thereby eliminating non-specific amplification.


PR1MA  High Fidelity Master Mix

  • Leaves a blunt end
  • Rapid extension: up to 1 kb per 15 seconds
  • 100x fidelity of native Taq
  • Ideal for shorter, less complex targets

A 2x formulation which provides extreme sensitivity in low copy number assays with 100x the fidelity of native Taq, PR1MA High Fidelity Master Mix is perfect for shorter, less complex targets. The 2x master-mix contains proprietary enhancers and a proof-reading component for trouble-free PCR reaction assembly and performance. High Fidelity Master Mix delivers a unique balance of PCR sensitivity, high fidelity, versatility, and tolerance to inhibitors.

The pre-optimized Master Mix is supplied in a single tube, reducing the number of pipetting steps while improving throughput and reproducibility. The highly efficient buffer formulation provides the ideal conditions for high-performance PCR.
