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Sample Kit, 4 preps

Isolation of micro RNA (miRNA) from Tissue or Cultured Cells

The miRNA Isolation Kits are designed for purification of micro RNA (miRNA) and other small cellular RNAs from tissue samples or cultured cells. Purification of miRNA allows research into biological significant pathways for gene regulation. The standard protocol for isolating total RNA and mRNA are not optimized for isolation of small RNA molecules and result in the loss of substantial amounts of miRNA and other small RNA. 

In addition, removal of the predominantly larger RNAs is required for accurate analysis of miRNA expression by qPCR or microarray analysis. This kit is specifically designed for purification of small RNA with minimal contamination from large RNA molecules or genomic DNA. The method employs a spin column with a silica-based fiber matrix that binds RNA in the presence of a chaotropic salt. The method is based on the selective binding of RNA molecules of various sizes to the silica-based fiber matrix when different ethanol concentrations are present in the solvent.

Sample Types:

100mg tissue or 1 x 10 cultured cells
Spin column

Operation Time:

30 minutes
Your Price:

IBI Small DNA Fragment

The Gel/PCR DNA Fragments Extraction Kits are designed to recover or concentrate DNA fragments (50bp-10kb) from agarose gel, PCR reaction, or any other enzymatic reaction. This method uses a chaotropic salt and guanidine thiocyanate to dissolve the agarose gel and denature the enzymes. The DNA fragments in the chaotropic salt are bound to the glass-fiber matrix of the spin column. After washing off the contaminants, the purified DNA fragments are eluted by low salt elution buffer or water. Salts, enzymes, and unincorporated nucleotides can be effectively removed from the reaction mixture without phenol extraction or alcohol precipitation.

IBI Small DNA Fragment

The Gel/PCR DNA Fragments Extraction Kits are designed to recover or concentrate DNA fragments (50bp-10kb) from agarose gel, PCR reaction, or any other enzymatic reaction. This method uses a chaotropic salt and guanidine thiocyanate to dissolve the agarose gel and denature the enzymes. The DNA fragments in the chaotropic salt are bound to the glass-fiber matrix of the spin column. After washing off the contaminants, the purified DNA fragments are eluted by low salt elution buffer or water. Salts, enzymes, and unincorporated nucleotides can be effectively removed from the reaction mixture without phenol extraction or alcohol precipitation.

Isolation of micro RNA (miRNA) from Tissue or Cultured Cells

The miRNA Isolation Kits are designed for purification of micro RNA (miRNA) and other small cellular RNAs from tissue samples or cultured cells. Purification of miRNA allows research into biological significant pathways for gene regulation. The standard protocol for isolating total RNA and mRNA are not optimized for isolation of small RNA molecules and result in the loss of substantial amounts of miRNA and other small RNA. 

In addition, removal of the predominantly larger RNAs is required for accurate analysis of miRNA expression by qPCR or microarray analysis. This kit is specifically designed for purification of small RNA with minimal contamination from large RNA molecules or genomic DNA. The method employs a spin column with a silica-based fiber matrix that binds RNA in the presence of a chaotropic salt. The method is based on the selective binding of RNA molecules of various sizes to the silica-based fiber matrix when different ethanol concentrations are present in the solvent.

Sample Types:

100mg tissue or 1 x 10 cultured cells
Spin column

Operation Time:

30 minutes
Your Price:

MagBio HighPrep™ Blood & Tissue DNA Kit

Blood and tissue DNA kit, a magnetic bead-based kit for high-quality genomic DNA extraction from 50-250 µL of fresh or frozen whole blood, buffy coat, lysate of tissues, mouse tails, cultured cells, saliva, buccal swabs.


Blood and tissue gDNA extraction for:

  •     PCR, Real-time PCR
  •     Southern Blotting
  •     Cloning, Genotyping
  •     Sequencing


  •     High-quality DNA from blood and tissue samples
  •     No organic extraction or alcohol precipitation
  •     Complete removal of contaminants and inhibitors
  •     Adaptable to various automated workstations

Blood and Tissue DNA Kit has been designed to isolate high quality genomic DNA from 50-250 µL of fresh or frozen whole blood, buffy coat, lysate of tissues, mouse tails, cultured cells, saliva, buccal swabs.

HighPrep™ Blood & Tissue DNA Kit utilizes paramagnetic beads to isolate genomic DNA (gDNA) from various sample types including tissue, whole blood, saliva and cells; resulting in high quantity and quality DNA usable in various genomic downstream applications. HighPrep™ Blood & Tissue DNA Kit could be used for few samples as well as in high throughput setting on automated workflow. 

MagBio HighPrep™ Viral RNA Kit

Magnetic beads based kit for rapid isolation of viral nucleic acids from whole blood, serum, plasma, saliva and other body fluids. 


Viral RNA isolation for:

  •     RT-qPCR; RT-PCR, PCR
  •     One-Step RT-qPCR
  •     Virus detection, genotyping
  •     Viral load monitoring,


  •     Rapid and reliable purification of nucleic acids
  •     Adaptable to various automated liquid handling workstations
  •     No toxic organic solvents

The HighPrep™ Viral RNA Kit is designed for rapid and reliable isolation of viral nucleic acids from serum, plasma, saliva and other body fluids as well as nasopharyngeal swabs soaked in virus transport media or other buffers. This kit is highly efficient in vIral nucleic acid isolation and the extracted RNA is suitable for direct use in most downstream applications such as one-step RT-qPCR, RT-PCR, PCR, nucleic acid amplification, cloning, sequencing, and enzymatic reactions. The kit can be used in low throughput manual workflows and is also adaptable to majority of the liquid handling workstations in the market.


  • For use with leftover reagents from IBI Plasmid Kits or competitive products
  • Sample Size: 1 -4 mL bacterial culture
  • Elution Volume: 50 to 100 µL
  • Binding Capacity: Up to 30 µg

The Replacement Mini Plasmid Columns and Collection Tubes are for use with leftover reagents from IBI Mini Plasmid Kits including the following item numbers: IB47101, IB47102, IB47170, IB47171, and IB47172.

The columns and collection tubes can also be used with comparable, competitive Mini Plasmid Kit reagents that utilize a bind, wash, and elute method. However, you must observe the sample size, binding capacity, and elution volume for the replacement column stated in the specifications.


Sample Size: 1 - 4 mL bacterial culture
Format: Spin column or vacuum manifold
Expected yield: 20 -30 µg for high copy and 3 -10 µg for low copy.
Elution volume: 50 µL to 100 µL
Operation time: 15 minutes
Purified plasmid DNA is ready for use in ligation, PCR, restriction enzyme digestion, and sequencing reactions.


PR1MA RNase Inhibitor


PR1MA RNase Inhibitor (RI) is a 50 kDa protein that specifically inhibits RNases A, B, and C by binding noncovalently in a 1:1 ratio at high affinity. It can be used in isothermal amplification and molecular diagnostic assays, cDNA synthesis, and other applications where RNA stability is important. It is ineffective against RNase1, T1, S1 Nuclease, or RNase H. It has no inhibition of polymerase activity when used with Taq DNA polymerase, AMV, M-MuLV, HIV reverse transcriptases, or phage RNA polymerases.


Storage Buffer

  • 50% glycerol
  • 10 mM Tris-HCl
  • 50 mM KCl
  • 8 mM DTT
  • pH = 7.5 

*To prevent the release of ribonuclease from RNase Inhibitor, temperatures greater than 50°C and high concentrations of denaturing reagents such as urea should be avoided.


*These products are intended for research use only, not for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes in humans or animals. The safety and efficacy of these products in diagnostic or other clinical uses has not been established.



  • For use with leftover reagents from IBI PCR/Gel Extraction Kits or competitive products
  • Sample Size: 300 mg agarose gel/100 µL PCR product
  • Elution Volume: 20 to 50 µL
  • Binding Capacity: Up to 10 µg

The Replacement DF Columns and Collection Tubes are for use with leftover reagents from IBI PCR/Gel Extraction Kits including the following item numbers: IB47020 and IB47030.

The replacement spin columns and collection tubes can also be used with comparable, competitive PCR/Gel Extraction Kit reagents that utilize a bind, wash, elute method. However, you must observe the sample size, binding capacity, and elution volume for the replacement column stated in the specifications.


Sample Size: 300 mg of agarose gel or 100 µL of PCR product
Format: Spin column or vacuum manifold
Expected yield: 90% for Gel extraction and 95% for PCR Clean-up
Elution volume: 20 µL to 50 µL
Operation time: 20 minutes
Purified DNA is ready for use in Fluorescent or Radioactive sequencing, ligation, PCR, restriction enzyme digestion, and DNA labeling.


 MagBio HighPrep Plant DNA Plus Kit

Magnetic beads based kit designed to extract high-quality genomic DNA from plants (leaves, roots, seeds).


Plant genomic DNA isolation for:

  •     PCR, Real-time PCR
  •     Cloning, genotyping
  •     Sequencing
  •     Plant breeding


  •     Purified PCR grade DNA with no inhibiting substances (polysaccharides and phenols)
  •     Includes beads to homogenize sample
  •     Eliminate need of grinding
  •     Adaptable to automation

The HighPrep™ Plant DNA Plus Kit is specially designed for purifying DNA from a wide range of plant and fungi species. The kit uses the special lysis condition with HighPrep™ magnetic particles technology to isolate the high-quality genomic DNA. Under DNA binding conditions only the genomic DNA will bind to the magnetic particles while most of the contaminating cellular proteinaceous components are removed. The purifi ed DNA is of the highest integrity, and can be used in a number of downstream applications including real time PCR, Southern blotting, SNP analysis and NGS etc. The HighPrep™ Plant DNA Plus Kit (Magnetic Bead System) can be easily adapted to automated magnetic bead separation instruments and work stations.

IBI 96-Well Vacuum Manifold

  • Optimized for use with all of IBI 96-well kits
  • The thin upper portion of the manifold is designed to reduce cross contamination
  • Allows for the most effective extraction and purification of plasmid DNA, genomic DNA, viral DNA & RNA, total RNA and PCR products
  • Materials: Manifold - made of anodized aluminum, Gasket - Ethylene propylene, O-Ring - Silicone
  • Dimensions: 17x12x8cm
  • Maximum vacuum: Approx. 71cm Hg (28 in Hg) (-13.7psi)

MagBio MagQuant™ Plus DNA V2

Magnetic bead based kit for normalization of DNA concentration, and quantitation of DNA for NGS and other applications


DNA quantitation and normalization of DNA concentration for:

  •     Next Gen Sequencing library construction
  •     Amplicon normalization
  •     Genomic DNA normalization
  •     PCR, qPCR


  •     Rapid and reliable quantitation and normalization of DNA
  •     No centrifugation step, no filtration step
  •     Eliminates the need for standard curve
  •     Allowing the processing of pool DNA samples from various sources
  •     Equilizing input genomic DNA concentration for DNA libray construction to help produce consistent and reliable NGS data without tedious initial input DNA quantitation.

The MagQuant™ Plus DNA V2 Kit utilizes paramagnetic bead-based technology for genomic DNA quantitation and concentration normalization.  The DNA normalization occurs during the purification process.  Standard methods of DNA quantitation require the use of a standard curve derived from DNA samples of known concentrations; processing DNA samples from various sources would require extensive work and reagent use. MagQuant™ Plus DNA V2‘s proprietary technology allows to obtain a given DNA quantitation and required concentration of DNA samples regardless of the source by adding a specific number of beads to the DNA sample.
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