PR1MA™ RNAse Inhibitor

PR1MA Enzyme Container

PR1MA RNase Inhibitor


PR1MA RNase Inhibitor (RI) is a 50 kDa protein that specifically inhibits RNases A, B, and C by binding noncovalently in a 1:1 ratio at high affinity. It can be used in isothermal amplification and molecular diagnostic assays, cDNA synthesis, and other applications where RNA stability is important. It is ineffective against RNase1, T1, S1 Nuclease, or RNase H. It has no inhibition of polymerase activity when used with Taq DNA polymerase, AMV, M-MuLV, HIV reverse transcriptases, or phage RNA polymerases.


Storage Buffer

  • 50% glycerol
  • 10 mM Tris-HCl
  • 50 mM KCl
  • 8 mM DTT
  • pH = 7.5 

*To prevent the release of ribonuclease from RNase Inhibitor, temperatures greater than 50°C and high concentrations of denaturing reagents such as urea should be avoided.


*These products are intended for research use only, not for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes in humans or animals. The safety and efficacy of these products in diagnostic or other clinical uses has not been established.


SKU Number Concentration Qty Price Quantity Add to Cart
PR-RI-SM-6000 40,000 Units / mL 6,000 Units
PR-RI-LG-30000 40,000 Units / mL 30,000 Units
PR1MA Enzyme Container
PR1MA™ RNAse Inhibitor
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