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PR1MA™ Corbett Type PCR Tubes


PR1MA Corbett Type PCR Tubes

  • PR1MA PCR Strip Tubes and Caps are evaporation-resistant and provide easy-to-open-and-close lids that prevent sample loss.
  • Tube Size is 0.1 mL
  • 4 Tube Strip and 4 Cap Strip
  • The uniform wells and ultra-thin walls provide optimal heat transfer and reaction efficiency.
  • Reclosable bags minimize contamination risk and are convenient for opening and closing.
  • For use in medical, pharmaceutical, food industry, and molecular biology.
  • Certified free of detectable RNase, DNase, NA, PCR inhibitors, and tested pyrogen-free.

Proudly made in the USA! Click here for more made in America products!

SKU Number Vol Color Cap Cap Style # of Tubes Qty Price Quantity Add to Cart
PR-PCRCORBETT 0.1 mL Natural, 4 x 4 Corbett Type Unattached Strip 4 250 Tube Strips & 250 Cap Strips
PCR Corbett Tubes
PR1MA™ Corbett Type PCR Tubes
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