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ColonyDoc-It Imaging Station

Item #: 97-0539-01 

2-year Warranty

Quantity Price
1 6108.28
ColonyDoc-It Imaging Stat


ColonyDoc-It  -  Fast, Accurate Colony Counting - Innovative Colony Counter Design

Capture the Colonies

  • DigiCam 130 digital color camera with 17.9 megapixel resolution

  • Select from several light sources for illuminating a wide range of stained media

  • Slide the filter selector to one of two positions

  • A wide range of emission filters are available

  • The plate alcove accommodates pour, spread and spiral plates and filters with sizes from 33mm to 150mm

  • Capture colony sizes as small as 0.08mm

  • Generate fast automatic and accurate colony counting with detailed statistics

  • Define parameters including eight color differentiation, split or merge, filter by group or size

  • Attach the door (not shown) to create a darkroom environment when imaging colonies with GFP fluorescence

Select from Several Light Sources

When colony samples require different light sources, the ColonyDoc-It enables the easy selection of bright LED lighting. The white light and fluorescent sources visualize a wide array of bacterial, yeast and mold colonies with samples found in air, water, food and cosmetics. The blue light is used for colonies stained with green fluorescent protein (GFP). Doors (detachable) create a darkroom environment when imaging colonies with GFP. Select from:

  • Darkfield

  • Epi and transillumination white light

  • Epi blue light

High Resolution Camera

The integrated 17.9 megapixel digital color camera lets you quickly capture and see all of the details in your colony sample. The high resolution capabilities allow capture of images down to 0.08mm. No need to adjust camera buttons, since the camera is easily controlled by the software.

Colony Counter Software

The ColonyDoc-It software loads on your computer* for camera control, image capture and analysis. The software enables automatic and manual colony counting capabilities. Users can define specific counting parameters including color differentiation, splitting or merging colonies, identifying filters by group or size. Users can create templates for specific camera settings and analysis functions, allowing the same settings to be selected each time an experiment is run. 

Generate Reports

The accurate count and statistical reporting functions enable researchers to immediately identify and determine experimental parameters that are critical for colony growth and inhibition. The software generates statistics and displays the most critical information about the colony area, perimeter, average diameter and circularity. The data is easily exported into Excel.

* Computer ordered separately.


Photo Doc It
ColonyDoc-It Imaging Stat
ColonyDoc-It Imaging Station
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