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MagBio HighPrep™ Viral/Pathogen DNA/RNA Kit
Magnetic beads based kit for rapid isolation of viral, bacterial and fungal nucleic acids from whole blood, serum, plasma, saliva and other body fluids.
Viral/Pathogen RNA and DNA isolation for:
- One-Step RT-qPCR
- Virus detection, genotyping
- Viral load monitoring,
- Rapid and reliable purification of nucleic acids
- Adaptable to various automated liquid handling workstations
- No toxic organic solvents
The HighPrep™ Viral/Pathogen DNA/RNA kit is designed for rapid and reliable isolation of viral, bacterial and fungal nucleic acids from whole blood, serum, plasma, saliva and other body fluids as well as nasopharyngeal swabs soaked in virus transport media or other buffers. This kit is highly efficient in vIral nucleic acid isolation and the extracted RNA (and DNA) is suitable for direct use in most downstream applications such as one-step RT-qPCR, RT-PCR, PCR, nucleic acid amplification, cloning, sequencing, and enzymatic reactions. The kit can be used in low throughput manual workflows and is also adaptable to majority of the liquid handling workstations in the market.
, Beads
MagBio HighPrep™ Insect DNA Kit
Magnetic beads based kit designed to extract high-quality genomic DNA from insects, and arthropods (from one leg or wing to the whole body).
Genomic DNA isolation from insects for:
- PCR, Real-time PCR
- Cloning, genotyping
- Sequencing
- Insecticide resistance studies
- Efficient isolation of PCR-quality DNA from insects, and arthropods
- No organic solvents
- Allows field epidemiologic research
- Magnetic beads based chemistry adaptable to automation
The HighPrep™ Insect DNA Kit is a high quality paramagnetic bead-based genomic DNA extraction kit used to isolate gDNA from a variety of insect-derived materials (wings, legs, whole body), and from different insect species, such as mosquitoes, flies, ants, and others. The HighPrep™ Insect DNA Kit is based on a fast and simple procedure which can either be performed manually or automated - up to 96 samples of tissues including legs and wings, can be processed in less than an hour.
, Beads
MagBio HighPrep™ RNA Elite Clean-up System
Magnetic beads based reagent for manual and automated clean-up or concentration of RNA (including miRNA, siRNA, aRNA) and single-stranded cDNA after enzymatic reactions or prior sequencing.
RNA and ss cDNA clean-up or concentration for or after:
- cDNA synthesis
- Sequencing
- In vitro transcription
- RNA probe synthesis
- miRNA and siRNA preparation
- Rapid and reliable clean-up of ss cDNA and RNA, including miRNA, siRNA, and aRNA
- Efficient purification of both large and small RNAs, and cDNA
- Complete removal of salts, unincorporated primers, and nucleotides
- No centrifugation step, no filtration step
- Adaptable to your current liquid handling workstation
The HighPrep™ RNA Elite Clean-up System utilizes MagBio’s solid-phase paramagnetic bead-based technology for high-throughput purification of RNA or cDNA for in vitro applications such as transcription, antisense RNA (aRNA) amplification as well as for RNA and cDNA probe synthesis. This protocol enables recovery even of micro RNA (miRNA), small RNA and total RNA from enzymatic reactions, concentrating of miRNA and total RNA from a diluted sample. The HighPrep™ RNA Elite Clean-up System can be used for manual RNA clean-up as well as on automated liquid handling workstations.
, Beads
MagBio cfKapture™ Kit
Magnetic bead-based DNA extraction kit designed to isolate circulating cell free DNA (cfDNA) from human plasma and serum.
cfDNA (ccfDNA) extraction for:
- Liquid biopsy research
- NIPT genomic research
- Cancer genomic research
- Transplant monitoring
- Efficient Isolation of nucleic acids, with high input and low elution volumes
- No carrier RNA
- Low sample volume processing
- Efficient recovery of small sized fragmented DNA
- No organic extraction or ethanol precipitation
The cfKapture™ kit is a magnetic bead-based DNA extraction kit designed to isolate circulatingcell freeDNA (cfDNA) from human plasma and serum. The kit has a quick, simple, and automation friendly protocol that allows users to quickly extract high quality cfDNA that is ready for use in downstream applications such as qPCR, NGS, and bisulfite sequencing.
, Beads
MagBio HighPrep™ Plant RNA Plus Kit
Magnetic beads based kit designed to extract high-quality RNA from plants (leaves, roots, seeds).
Plant genomic RNA isolation for:
- PCR, Real-time PCR
- Cloning, genotyping
- Sequencing
- Plant breeding
- Purified PCR grade RNA with no inhibiting substances (polysaccharides and phenols)
- Includes beads to homogenize sample
- Eliminate need of grinding
- Adaptable to automation
The HighPrep™ Plant RNA Plus Kit is specially designed for purifying RNA from a wide range of plant and fungi species. The kit uses the special lysis condition with HighPrep™ magnetic particles technology to isolate the high-quality RNA. Our kit's unique binding conditions ensure that only RNA will bind to the magnetic particles while most of the contaminating cellular proteinaceous components are removed. The purified RNA is of the highest integrity, and can be used in a number of downstream applications including real time PCR, Southern blotting, SNP analysis and NGS etc. The HighPrep™ Plant RNA Plus Kit (Magnetic Bead System) can be easily adapted to automated magnetic bead separation instruments and work stations.
, Beads
MagBio CTL™ Medium (Collect - Transport - Lyse)
- Sample collection, lysis, inactivation and stabilzation for - Viral, Fungal & Bacterial Samples (Swabs)
- DNA & RNA sample preparation for pathogen detection
- Flexibility in sample processing - Room Temperature Stability
- DNA = 45 Days | RNA = 8 Days
- COVID-19 Detection
- Significantly shortens sample preparation time in pathogen testing & detection workflows
- Cost savings - Extraction & extraction accessories not required
- Preserves and maintains the integrity of nucleic acids at room temperature:
- DNA = 45 Days | RNA = 8 Days
- Compatible with various extraction or purification workflows
- Samples will be lysed during transport - No need for extraction / lysis.
- Allows samples to be batched which can in turn improve the processing efficiency
Time is always of the essence when it comes to pathogen detection and with MagBio CTL™, you can increase the efficiency and stability of your pathogen samples. Our Medium can be purchased in liters for bulk applications and can be integrated into a variety of workflows. Save time and money with MagBio CTL™.
, Beads
MagBio HighPrep™ Plasmid DNA Plus Kit
Magnetic beads based kit designed to extract high-quality plasmid DNA (including Cosmids, Fosmids, and BACs) from bacterial cultures.
Plasmid DNA isolation for:
- PCR, Real-time PCR
- Cloning, genotyping
- Sequencing, NGS
- Transfection
- High quality plasmid DNA purification
- High yields of both high and low copy number plasmids
- Adaptable to various automated liquid handling workstations
- No toxic organic solvents
The HighPrep™ Plasmid DNA kit is a magnetic beads-based plasmid purification system for high throughput rapid isolation of both high and low copy number plasmid DNA from bacterial cultures as well as for isolation of BACs, PACs, Cosmids or Fosmids. The system can easily be automated on many liquid handling workstations, providing robustness and high-quality plasmid DNA for subsequent downstream applications such as restriction digestion, PCR, cloning and fluorescent DNA sequencing.
, Beads
MagBio HighPrep™ Total RNA Plus Kit
Magnetic bead-based kit designed to extract high-quality total RNA from mammalian tissues and cultured cells.
Total RNA isolation for:
- RNA sequencing
- cDNA synthesis
- Gene expression analysis
- High yield and quality total RNA purification
- Adaptable to various automated liquid handling workstations
- No toxic organic solvents
The HighPrep™ Total RNA Plus kit is a paramagnetic bead-based system that allows for a fast and efficient purification of high-quality total RNA from tissues and cultured cells suitable for numerous high-performance RNA downstream applications such as RT-PCR, microarrays, cDNA synthesis. As a paramagnetic bead-based system, the HighPrep™ Total RNA kit can be used in a high-throughput format, hence adaptable to numerous commercially available workstations.
, Beads
MagBio HighPrep™ DTR Clean-up System
Magnetic beads based reagent for manual and automated Sanger sequencing reaction clean-up for both ABI and MegaBACE sequencing platforms.Applications
- Sanger sequencing reaction clean-up / dye terminator removal for:
- Sanger sequencing on ABI platforms
- Sanger sequencing on MegaBACE platforms
- Rapid and reliable clean-up of sequencing reactions
- High DNA recovery yields, long sequence readings
- Flexible - can be used in any format
- No centrifugation step, no filtration step
- Adaptable to common liquid handling workstations
The HighPrep™ DTR Clean-up System is a high performance paramagnetic bead-based reagent for BigDye™ terminator removal from Sanger sequencing reactions for reliable and long readings of DNA sequences. The HighPrep™ DTR Clean-up System consists of a selective binding of DNA to the paramagnetic beads, followed with washing off nucleotides, primers, and non-targeted amplicons, and finally elution of pure DNA. HighPrep™ DTR Clean-up System is an excellent choice for both manual and fully automated purification of sequencing reaction products. The protocol can be adapted to common liquid handling workstation.
MagBio MagCTL Collection Tube
The MagCTL Collection Tube is the first GUANIDINE FREE sample collection and transportation device with FDA 510(K) Clearance and CE/IVDR marking Certification. The proprietary stabilization buffer in the tubes offers room temperature stability of RNA for up to 8 days, as well as direct pathogen lysis and inactivation. The MagCTL Collection Tube has been clinically approved for viral samples but can also be used for bacterial or fungal samples in research studies.Applications
Viral, Bacterial or Fungal swab sample collection, stabilization and direct lysis for:
- DNA extraction
- RNA extraction
- Pathogen Detection
- Viral Load Detection
Guanidine Free Stabilizer
Sample Inactivation
DNA = 45 Days
RNA = 8 Days
Collected samples are lysed inacitivating the sample and releasing the DNA/RNA making them avaliable for capture using magnetic beads.
FDA 510(K) Approved
CE/IVDR Certified
CE/IVDR Certified
Clinically approved to work with Viral Samples
Adaptable to work with Bacterial OR Fungal Samples
The MagCTL Collection Tube is the first Guanidine Free, FDA 510(K) approved and CE/IVDR certified sample collection device that can stabilize DNA & RNA at ambient temperatures. The tube contains a proprietary molecular transport medium which lyses and inactivates collected samples. Direct lysis of the sample effectively stabilizes the nucleic acids (DNA & RNA) making them available for capture without the need of an additional lysis step. Furthermore, direct pathogen lysis eliminates the need for sample processing in a containment making it easier for laboratory staff to handle samples.
The long term ambient stability of DNA & RNA offered by the MagCTL Collection Tubes makes them suitable for clinical settings since it eliminates the need for freezer storage space. Samples can be stored at ambient temperature on the bench top for up to 8 Days for RNA and 45 days for DNA.
Key Features:
Safety - The MagCTL Collection Tube consists of 1.2 mL of the MagBio CTL™ Medium contained in a sterile 5 mL Cryotube. The proprietary medium is GUANIDINE FREE making it safe for use in clinical settings that require cleaning with bleach on a regular basis. In light of the widespread use of guanidine based collection devices due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the FDA published this article warning sample processing facilities to avoid using guanidine based collection devices.
Stability - The MagCTL Collection Tube validation study showed that RNA is stabilized for up to 8 days at room temperature. However, further research studies on this product showed stability of both RNA and DNA. Stability of RNA was 14 days and DNA stabilization was 45 days at room temperature. This allows for samples to be collected and transported without the need for cold storage at any point.
Direct Lysis – The direct lysis feature is the most unique feature of the MagCTL Collection Tube. Collected samples are lysed upon collection and the nucleic acids are released making them available for capture. This allows end users to skip the lysis step in extraction workflows. The released DNA / RNA can be captured using the MAG-S2 collection beads manufactured by MagBio. The direct lysis also adds to safety because the virus is inactivated and during sample processing there is no need for the use of a containment.
Multi Sample Versatility – The MagCTL Collection Tube is a versatile device that can be used to collect and analyze Viral, Bacterial OR Fungal samples.
FDA & CE/IVDR Clearance – The MagCTL Collection Tube is the first non-hazardous, FDA 510(K) approved sample collection device that offers direct lysis and can stabilize nucleic acids at ambient temperatures. This makes the tube a suitable candidate for clinical laboratories performing pathogen detection or sequencing. In addition to FDA Clearance, the MagCTL Collection Tube is also CE/IVDR Certified.
Downstream Benefits – The MagCTL Collection Tube allows end users to significantly cut down time needed for downstream processes. Samples collected in the MagXtract Collection Tube skip the lysis process and are directly captured in magnetic beads (MAG-S2) followed by washes and elution in nuclease free water. The extraction efficiency of MagCTL Collection Tube is comparable to that of Thermofisher MVP II Kit where lysis buffer is used. This proves that the MagCTL Tubes can be critical in reducing both time & cost associated with nucleic acid extraction.
MagBio HighPrep™ Blood & Tissue DNA Kit
Blood and tissue DNA kit, a magnetic bead-based kit for high-quality genomic DNA extraction from 50-250 µL of fresh or frozen whole blood, buffy coat, lysate of tissues, mouse tails, cultured cells, saliva, buccal swabs.
Blood and tissue gDNA extraction for:
- PCR, Real-time PCR
- Southern Blotting
- Cloning, Genotyping
- Sequencing
- High-quality DNA from blood and tissue samples
- No organic extraction or alcohol precipitation
- Complete removal of contaminants and inhibitors
- Adaptable to various automated workstations
Blood and Tissue DNA Kit has been designed to isolate high quality genomic DNA from 50-250 µL of fresh or frozen whole blood, buffy coat, lysate of tissues, mouse tails, cultured cells, saliva, buccal swabs.
HighPrep™ Blood & Tissue DNA Kit utilizes paramagnetic beads to isolate genomic DNA (gDNA) from various sample types including tissue, whole blood, saliva and cells; resulting in high quantity and quality DNA usable in various genomic downstream applications. HighPrep™ Blood & Tissue DNA Kit could be used for few samples as well as in high throughput setting on automated workflow.
, Beads
MagBio HighPrep™ Viral RNA Kit
Magnetic beads based kit for rapid isolation of viral nucleic acids from whole blood, serum, plasma, saliva and other body fluids.
Viral RNA isolation for:
- One-Step RT-qPCR
- Virus detection, genotyping
- Viral load monitoring,
- Rapid and reliable purification of nucleic acids
- Adaptable to various automated liquid handling workstations
- No toxic organic solvents
The HighPrep™ Viral RNA Kit is designed for rapid and reliable isolation of viral nucleic acids from serum, plasma, saliva and other body fluids as well as nasopharyngeal swabs soaked in virus transport media or other buffers. This kit is highly efficient in vIral nucleic acid isolation and the extracted RNA is suitable for direct use in most downstream applications such as one-step RT-qPCR, RT-PCR, PCR, nucleic acid amplification, cloning, sequencing, and enzymatic reactions. The kit can be used in low throughput manual workflows and is also adaptable to majority of the liquid handling workstations in the market.
, Beads