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PR1MA™ Distilled Water, Laboratory Reagent Grade
CAS Number: 7732-18-5
Molecular Weight: 18.02
Chemical Formula: H2O
Laboratory reagent grade. Purified by steam distillation for use as a
research laboratory reagent. Not intended or sold for human consumption. 10
Liter size supplied in a Cubitainer with pouring spout.
Research or further manufacturing use only, not for food or drug use.
- Appearance: Clear Liquid
- Alkalinity (Total as CaCO3): ≤ 20 ppm
- Aluminum (Al): ≤ 0.2 ppm
- Antimony (Sb): ≤ 0.006 ppm
- Arsenic (As): ≤ 0.01 ppm
- Barium (Ba): ≤ 2 ppm
- Beryllium (Be): ≤ 0.004 ppm
- Boron (B): ≤ 1 ppm
- Bromate: ≤ 0.010 ppm
- Bromide: ≤ 0.005 ppm
- Cadmium (Cd): ≤ 0.005 ppm
- Calcium (Ca): ≤ 2 ppm
- Chloride (ASTM D5442): ≤ 50 ppb
- Chromium (Cr): ≤ 0.10 ppm
- Cobalt (Co): ≤ 0.15 ppm
- Conductivity (ASTM D1125): ≤ 5.0 µS/cm
- Copper (Cu): ≤ 1 ppm
- E.Coli: ≤ 1 MPN/100ml
- Fluoride : ≤ 4 ppm
- Foaming Agents: ≤ 0.5 mg/l
- Hardness (as CaCO3): ≤ 10 mg/l
- Heterotrophic Bacteria (F1094): ≤ 100 cfu/10ml
- Iron (Fe): ≤ 0.3 ppm
- lead (Pb): ≤ 0.015 ppm
- Magnesium (Mg): ≤ 0.10 ppm
- Manganese (Mn): ≤ 0.05 ppm
- Mercury (Hg): ≤ 0.002 ppm
- Molybdenum (Mo): ≤ 0.15 ppm
- Nickel (Ni) : ≤ 0.005 ppm
- Nitrate as N: ≤ 10 ppm
- pH (ASTM D1293): 5.0 - 7.0
- Phosphorous (P): ≤ 1 ppm
- Potassium (K) : ≤ 1 ppm
- Resistivity (ASTM D1125): ≥ 0.2 megaohm
- Scandium (SC): ≤ 0.15 ppm
- Selenium (Se): ≤ 0.05 ppm
- Silica (ASTM D4517) : No Limit ppb
- Silver (Ag): ≤ 0.10 ppm
- Sodium (ASTM 6071): ≤ 50 ppb
- Standard Plate Count: ≤ 500 cfu/ml
- Strontium (Sr): ≤ 0.15 ppm
- sulfate: ≤ 250 ppm
- Thallium (Tl): ≤ 0.002 ppm
- Tin (sn): ≤ 0.15 ppm
- Titanium (Ti): ≤ 0.15 ppm
- TOC (ASTM 5997): No Limit ppm
- Total Coliform: ≤ 1 MPN/100ml
- Total Radium: 0.5835 - 1.491 pCi/l
- Uranium (U): ≤ 0.030 ppm
- Vanadium (V): ≤ 0.15 ppm
- Zinc (Zn) : ≤ 5 ppm
PR1MA™ Water, HPLC Grade
CAS Number: 7732-18-5
Molecular Weight: 18.0
Chemical Formula: H2O
Storage Temperature: Room Temperature
Certified RNase and DNase free for use in molecular biology applications.
Ideal for making reagents, rinsing glass and plastic ware, enzymatic
reactions and more. Toxic agents such as DEPC are not used in purification
- Endotoxin Free
- RNase Free
- DNase Free
*Tested to < 0.001 EU/ML
Research or further manufacturing use only, not for food or drug use.
- Appearance: Clear and Colorless Solution
- TOC (ppb): ≤ 3 ppb
- UV Absorbance (1 cm cell Vs Water) @ 190nm: ≤ 0.01
- UV Absorbance (1 cm cell Vs Water) @ 200 nm: ≤ 0.010
- UV Absorbance (1 cm cell Vs Water) @ 210 nm: ≤ 0.010
- UV Absorbance (1 cm cell Vs Water) @ 250 nm: ≤ 0.005
- UV Absorbance (1 cm cell Vs Water) @ 254 nm: ≤ 0.005
- UV Absorbance (1 cm cell Vs Water) @ 280 nm: ≤ 0.005
- Filtered through Ultrafiltration (0.01 Micron): Conforms
- Country of Origin: USA
PR1MA™ Water, Molecular Biology Grade, DNase and RNase Free
CAS Number: 7732-18-5
Molecular Weight: 18.0
Chemical Formula: H2O
Storage Temperature: Room Temperature
Certified RNase and DNase free for use in molecular biology applications.
Ideal for making reagents, rinsing glass and plastic ware, enzymatic
reactions and more. Toxic agents such as DEPC are not used in purification
- Endotoxin Free
- RNase Free
- DNase Free
*Tested to < 0.001 EU/ML
Meets or exceeds CAP/CLSI specifications for Clinical Laboratory Reagent
Water (CLRW) and USP/NF Purified Water.
Research or further manufacturing use only, not for food or drug use.
- Appearance: Clear and Colorless Solution
- Bioburden : No Growth
- DNase: No Visible Degradation
- Protease: No Visible Degradation
- RNase: No Visible Degradation
- Country of Origin: USA
IBI Cell Culture Grade, Pyrogen/Endotoxin Free Water is prepared for nuclear transfer, transfection, transformation, cell and tissue culture,
LAL testing, and all other aqueous solution preparations that require stringent quality control.
IBI Cell Culture Grade Water is tested for use in critical assays and applications. The water is endotoxin-free (to the maximum detection
limit of <0.005EU/ml by turbidimetric assay). The purification process of our Cell Culture Grade Water includes distillation, continuous
deionization, reverse osmosis, 0.1µm filtration, followed by steam sterilization in an autoclave.
IB42010 |
Cell Culture Grade Water, Pyrogen and Endotoxin Free, 1L |
IB42011 |
Cell Culture Grade Water, Pyrogen and Endotoxin Free, 6 x 1L |
IB42012 |
Cell Culture Grade Water, Pyrogen and Endotoxin Free, 12 x 1L |
IB42020 |
Cell Culture Grade Water, Pyrogen and Endotoxin Free, 2L |
IB42021 |
Cell Culture Grade Water, Pyrogen and Endotoxin Free, 6 x 2L |
IB42030 |
Cell Culture Grade Water, Pyrogen and Endotoxin Free, 10L |
- RNase & DNase Free Water A new process of purifying large quantity of DNase and RNase free water enables us to offer Molecular Grade Water at a price that any laboratory can afford.
- No toxic agents such as DEPC are used in making the Molecular Grade Water; therefore, there is no chance of DEPC interfering with enzymatic reactions.
- The Molecular Grade Water is suitable for use in molecular biology applications which demand a high quality of water and assurance that the water is free from DNase and RNase contamination.
- Molecular Grade Water can be used for making reagents and rinsing glass/plastic wares for DNA and RNA research.
- Each lot is quality tested for the absence of RNase and DNase contamination. Test reports are attached with each container as an added assurance.