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PR1MA™ SmartGlow™ DNA Safe Stain
- Replaces hazardous Ethidium Bromide (EtBr)
- Better sensitivity than EtBr
- Detect as little as 0.1ng of DNA
- Two types available
- PS Pre Stain
- LD Loading Dye
- Excitation by UV light or blue light
- Compatible with Accuris SmartBlue™ Transilluminator
- Ships at ambient temperature (stored at 4°C)
PR1MA™ SmartStain™ PS (Pre-Stain) can be used as a direct replacement for Ethidium Bromide in agarose and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The stain emits green fluorescence when bound to dsDNA or ssDNA and emits red fluorescence when bound to RNA. PR1MA™ SmartStain™ PS exhibits excitation peaks at 290 nm and 490 nm, allowing it to be used with UV and blue light.
- Prepare 100 mL of agarose or polyacrylamide solution.
- Add 5 µL of PR1MA™ SmartStain™ to the gel solution before pouring gels.
- For enhanced results, add PR1MA™ SmartStain™ PS to the running buffer at a ratio of 5 µL per 100 mL. Adding PR1MA™ SmartStain™ PS to the running buffer will result in increased sensitivity and better detection of small quantities of nucleic acid.
- After electrophoresis is complete, view the gel using a UV or blue light illuminator
This brand is being discontinued and will only be available while supplies last.
Need a great DNA Safe Stain at a great price? Try PR1MA! Click here to order.
- Safest DNA stain by far
- Replaces EthBr in agarose gel electrophoresis
- Detection of DNA and RNA
- Excitation at 290nm & 490 nm
- Emission at 530nm
DNA SafeStain is a new and safe nucleic acid stain for visualization of double-stranded DNA, single-stranded DNA, and RNA in agarose gels. The dyes are developed to replace toxic ethidium bromide (EthBr, a potent mutagen), commonly used in gel electrophoresis for visualization of nucleic acids in agarose gels. DNA SafeStain is non-carcinogenic by the Ames-test. The results are negative in both the mouse marrow chromophilous erthrocyte micronucleus and mouse spermary spermatocyte chromosomal aberration tests.
DNA SafeStain emits green fluorescence when bound to DNA. It has two excitation wavelength peaks when bound to nucleic acid, at 290nm and 490nm and the emission can be detected at 530nm.
Store under dark at 4°C or room temperature.
User Instruction:
DNA SafeStain can be used in the exact same way as EtBr in agarose gel electrophoresis. For example, add 100µl to 1 liter of 1X running buffer (1xTAE or 1x TBE), and use this DNA SafeStain containing buffer to make the agarose gel and run the gel.
Special Notes:
1. For best results, dilute the DNA SafeStain 1:10,000 in your gel running buffer and use this dye-containing running buffer to make your agarose gel and to run the gel.
2. As is the case with EtBr; add more DNA SafeStain, if brighter DNA bands are desired. To view the results, any conventional DNA gel viewing light box or gel documentation system should work well with the DNA SafeStain; although, using a LED light instead of a UV light source is preferred due to the harmful nature of UV light.
This Product is For Research Use Only
For the proper disposal of this product, follow University or Company Guidelines.
This brand is being discontinued and will only be available while supplies last.
- Higher sensitivity
- Use in the same way as EtBr in agarose gel electrophoresis
- Detection of DNA and RNA
- Safest DNA stain by far
- Low cost
- 10,000X
- Excitation wavelengths at 290nm and 490nm
DNA SafeStain Plus is a highly sensitive green fluorescent DNA/RNA staining reagent for detecting nucleic acids in agarose and polyacrylamide gels. This unique stain gives high sensitivity for detection of double-stranded or single-stranded DNA and RNA. Gels can be post-stained or the stain can be added to gels during gel casting or to the gel running buffer. DNA SafeStain Plus has two excitation wavelength peaks at about 290nm and 490nm, and an emission wavelength at 530nm, making it compatible with a standard UV light box, a blue-light transilluminator, or a gel reader equipped with visible light excitation; such as, a 488 nm laser-based gel scanner.
DNA SafeStain Plus is in a 10,000X concentrated format that can be easily diluted 10,000 times for use in precast gel staining, or 5,000 times for use in post gel staining.